Ghost of Tsushima PC Release Issues: Refunds and Regional Challenges

I was quite excited about the PC release of Ghost of Tsushima, especially after the shortcomings of Hell Divers 2 came to light. But now Sony and PlayStation are facing a big problem with this launch. This game’s multiplayer component, Legends, requires PlayStation Network (PSN) account linking, which is not available in all regions. Due to this situation, unexpected refunds and dissatisfaction have been seen among the gamers.

The PSN Requirement Issue

Unanticipated Complications

Ghost of Tsushima Legends, the multiplayer component of the game, requires a PSN account connection for PC players. This requirement has become a big problem especially in those regions where PSN is not available. Many players in these areas are not able to access the full features of the game despite paying the same price. This oversight by Sony reflects a lack of global accessibility and has caused a lot of frustration among gamers.

Sony’s Response and Refunds

Due to this complication, Sony has to give refunds in the affected regions. This situation reminds us of the controversy of Hell Divers 2, where Sony had to take back some decisions after the player backlash. However, Sony changed its path after significant public outcry over Hell Divers 2. Now the question is whether he will make similar amendments for Ghost of Tsushima also.

Regional Discrepancies and Gamer Reactions

Player Expectations vs. Reality

Kai fans are waiting for the expansive single-player experience of Ghost of Tsushima. But, for those who also value multiplayer gaming, the current regional restrictions are a big disappointment. The PSN account requirement has introduced a geographical disparity that was new to many people, and has made the release even more complex.

The Steam and PSN Divide

PSN is not as globally available as Steam. This has put the Ghost of Tsushima in a situation where these products are presented in different ways in different regions. For some, the single-player experience and Iki Island expansion justify the price, but others feel shortchanged without the Legends multiplayer mode.

The Wider Impact on Future Releases

Repercussions for Sony’s Strategy

This release’s fallout could affect future Sony titles and their multiplayer components. Titles like Concord and Fair Game, which rely on a strong multiplayer base, could face significant barriers if PSN account linking remains mandatory. Wide regional availability is a must for live service games. Without this, Sony risks alienating large segments of the player base, which could hurt the performance and revenue of these games.

Industry Comparisons

This backlash is not unique to Sony alone. Gamers also criticized Ubisoft’s Connect platform and Rockstar’s launcher in a similar way, preferring simplicity and ease of access. This broader industry trend reflects a clear preference for gamers: they want as few interruptions as possible to enjoy their games.

Potential Solutions for Sony

Making PSN Account Linking Optional

One potential solution is to make PSN account linking optional, providing incentives to link accounts rather than making it mandatory. It can include exclusive in-game items, special costumes, or trophy support. With this approach, Sony can encourage PSN sign-ups without penalizing players who don’t want to or can’t link their accounts.

Improving Regional Accessibility

Sony should also focus on improving the availability of PSN in other regions. Expanding the reach of service can reduce current issues and provide a more equitable gaming experience worldwide.


The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima has revealed significant logistical and strategic oversights by Sony. The PSN account linking requirement has led to regional inaccessibility and substantial consumer dissatisfaction. Going forward, Sony will have to reassess its strategy to prioritize global accessibility and player satisfaction. By making PSN account linking optional and expanding regional availability, Sony can better cater to its diverse gamer base while maintaining the integrity of its multiplayer experiences.

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