How to Change a Child Account to A Parent Account Ps4?

PlayStation 4 (PS4) offers a Family Management feature that allows parents to create child accounts to monitor and control their children’s gaming activities. However, there may come a time when a child account needs to be changed to a parent account for various reasons.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of changing a child account to a parent account on PS4. This transition can give the parent more control over the family’s PlayStation activities and settings. Let’s dive into the steps to make this change seamlessly.

Steps to Change a Child Account to a Parent Account on PS4

Accessing Parental Controls on PS4

  • Turn on your PS4 console and log in to the parent account, which serves as the family manager.
  • Navigate to the Settings menu on the home screen of your PS4 console.
  • Scroll down and select “Parental Controls/Family Management” from the list of options.
  • Choose “Family Management” to access the Family Management settings.

Changing the Child Account to a Parent Account

  • Within the Family Management menu, locate the child account that you wish to change to a parent account.
  • Select the child account and look for the option to modify the account settings.
  • Depending on the PS4 system software version, you may find an option to change the child account to an adult account or a parent account directly. If this option is available, follow the on-screen prompts to make the necessary changes.
  • If there is no direct option to change the account type, you may need to first remove the child account from the family and then re-add it as a parent account.
  • To remove the child account, select the account and choose the option to remove it from the family. Confirm the action when prompted.
  • After removing the child account, you can add it back as a parent account by following the steps to add a new family member and selecting the appropriate account type.

By following these steps, you can successfully change a child account to a parent account on your PS4 console, granting the account holder additional privileges and control within the Family Management system.

Understanding Child and Parent Accounts on PS4

Child Account

  • A child account on PS4 is typically created by a parent or guardian to set restrictions and monitor the gaming activities of a minor.
  • Child accounts have limited access to certain features such as online communication and content purchases to ensure a safer gaming environment for young users.
  • Parents can customize parental controls for each child account, including setting playtime limits, restricting access to certain games or applications, and managing spending limits.

Parent Account

  • A parent account, also known as the family manager, has elevated privileges within the Family Management system.
  • The parent account holder can add or remove family members, customize parental controls for child accounts, and adjust settings for the entire family’s PlayStation experience.
  • Parent accounts have the authority to change a child account to a parent account if needed, granting them additional control and access to features within the PS4 ecosystem.

Understanding the roles and capabilities of child and parent accounts is crucial for effectively managing family settings and ensuring a safe and enjoyable gaming environment for all family members on PS4.


In conclusion, transitioning a child account to a parent account on PS4 can provide enhanced control and flexibility for managing family settings and gaming activities. By understanding the roles of child and parent accounts, accessing parental controls, and following the necessary steps, parents can effectively customize the PlayStation experience for their family members.

This process empowers parents to set appropriate restrictions, monitor gaming behavior, and create a safer and more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone in the family.


Will changing a child account to a parent account affect the existing settings and restrictions?

  • When you change a child account to a parent account on PS4, the existing settings and restrictions may need to be adjusted to reflect the new account type and privileges.

Is it possible to revert a parent account back to a child account on PS4?

  • Once a child account has been changed to a parent account on PS4, it may not be possible to revert it back to a child account. It is recommended to consider this change carefully.

What additional controls and features can a parent account access compared to a child account on PS4?

  • A parent account on PS4 has elevated privileges within the Family Management system, allowing the account holder to add or remove family members, customize parental controls, and manage settings for the entire family’s PlayStation experience.

Are there any age restrictions or requirements for changing a child account to a parent account on PS4?

  • While there may not be specific age restrictions for changing a child account to a parent account on PS4, it is important for parents or guardians to consider the implications of granting additional privileges and responsibilities within the Family Management system.

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