How to Pick up Snowballs in GTA 5 Ps4?

In the world of Grand Theft Auto V, there are countless activities to engage in, and picking up snowballs is one of those lesser-known yet entertaining features. Whether you’re looking to engage in a friendly snowball fight with friends or simply want to explore every facet of the game, this guide is for you.


Before we dive into the process of picking up snowballs in GTA 5 on PS4, there are a few prerequisites that players need to be aware of. These conditions set the stage for the activity and ensure that players can successfully engage in it.

  1. Seasonal Availability: Snowballs in GTA 5 are a seasonal feature. They are typically available during the winter season, specifically around Christmas time. This is when Los Santos, the city in which the game is set, experiences snowfall.Empty Hand: To pick up a snowball, your character needs to have an empty hand. This means you should not be holding any weapons or other items.
  2. Outside Locations: Snowballs can only be picked up from outside locations. They cannot be found inside buildings or other covered areas.
  3. Limited Quantity: Each player can hold a maximum of 9 snowballs at a time. If you try to pick up more, the game will inform you that you can’t carry any more snowballs.

Understanding these prerequisites will help you make the most of this fun feature when it’s available. In the next section, we’ll provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to pick up snowballs in GTA 5 on PS4.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • Ensure the prerequisites are met: Make sure it’s the winter season in the game, your character’s hand is empty, you’re in an outside location, and you’re not already carrying the maximum number of snowballs.
  • Position your character: Navigate your character to a snowy area. This could be any outside location during the winter season.
  • Access the weapons wheel: Press and hold the L1 button on your PS4 controller to bring up the weapons wheel.
  • Select the unarmed option: While still holding the L1 button, use the right stick to navigate the weapons wheel and highlight the ‘Unarmed’ option. This is usually located at the 12 o’clock position on the weapons wheel.
  • Pick up a snowball: With the ‘Unarmed’ option highlighted, press the right D-pad button on your controller. Your character will bend down and pick up a snowball from the ground.
  • Repeat the process: You can repeat this process until your character is holding the maximum number of snowballs, which is nine.
  • Throw the snowball: To throw a snowball, aim with the L2 button and press the R2 button. You can aim at other characters, vehicles, or any other target of your choice.

And there you have it! You now know how to pick up and throw snowballs in GTA 5 on PS4. Remember, this is a seasonal feature, so make the most of it when you can!

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Aim for Headshots: Just like with any weapon in GTA 5, aiming for the head can yield more damage. Try to aim your snowballs at the heads of other characters for a fun and harmless way to engage in a snowball fight.
  • Use Snowballs in Missions: Snowballs can be used during missions for a fun and festive twist. However, remember that they don’t cause a lot of damage, so they’re not the best choice for intense combat situations.
  • Be Aware of Police: If you hit a pedestrian with a snowball, it could be considered an assault, and you might find yourself with a one-star wanted level. So, be mindful of your surroundings when engaging in a snowball fight.
  • Have Fun: The most important thing is to have fun. Snowballs in GTA 5 are a seasonal feature meant to add a bit of holiday cheer to the game. So, enjoy it while it lasts!

Remember, the availability of snowballs is limited to the winter season in the game, so make sure to make the most of this feature when it’s available.

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