Why Does Copying Take So Long on Ps5? (Fixed)

Copying files on the PlayStation 5 (PS5) is a common task that users encounter when downloading games, updates, or transferring data. This process involves duplicating files from one location to another within the console’s storage system. While copying is essential for maintaining and organizing data, many users have experienced frustration due to the extended time it takes for files to copy on the PS5.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind why copying takes so long on the PS5 and provide insights on how to improve the copying speed for a smoother gaming experience.

Tips to Speed Up Copying on PS5

Use an SSD

Consider upgrading to a Solid State Drive (SSD) for your PS5. SSDs offer faster read and write speeds compared to traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), resulting in quicker file transfers.

Upgrading to an SSD can significantly enhance the overall performance of your PS5 and reduce copying times.

Close Background Applications

To optimize copying speed on the PS5, start by closing any unnecessary applications or processes running in the background. This action frees up system resources, allowing the console to focus on the copying task and leading to faster transfer speeds.

Ensure Stable Network Connection

When downloading updates or game data that require copying on the PS5, ensure that your console is connected to a stable and high-speed internet connection.

Use a reliable Wi-Fi network or a wired Ethernet connection for faster data transfer rates.

Update System Software

Regularly check for and install system updates released by Sony to keep your PS5’s system software up to date. These updates may include improvements that enhance copying speed and overall system efficiency.

Organize Storage Space

 Maintain sufficient free space on your PS5’s internal storage to improve copying speed. Delete unnecessary files or games to create more room for new data. A cluttered storage system can slow down the copying process.

Restart the Console

If you encounter slow copying speeds on your PS5, try restarting the console. Rebooting the system can help refresh its resources and potentially resolve any temporary issues affecting copying performance.

Factors Affecting Copying Speed on PS5

File Size

One of the primary factors influencing copying speed on the PS5 is the size of the files being copied. Larger files, such as game installations or updates that are several gigabytes in size, require more time to duplicate compared to smaller files.

The PS5’s system needs to process and transfer a significant amount of data, leading to longer copying times.

Storage Type

The type of storage used on the PS5 can also impact copying speed. The console comes with an internal SSD (Solid State Drive) that offers fast read and write speeds.

However, if users are copying files to or from an external HDD (Hard Disk Drive) or USB storage device, which typically have slower transfer rates than SSDs, it can result in slower copying speeds.

System Workload

Another factor that can affect copying speed is the overall workload on the PS5 system. If the console is running multiple applications or background processes while copying files, it can divert resources and slow down the copying process. Closing unnecessary applications and freeing up system resources can help improve copying speed.

Network Connection

When downloading updates or game data from online servers, the speed and stability of the network connection can impact copying speed on the PS5.

A slow or unstable internet connection can lead to delays in downloading files, which in turn affects the copying process.

System Updates

Periodic system updates released by Sony for the PS5 can also influence copying speed. Installing firmware updates or system software updates may temporarily slow down the copying process as the console reconfigures its settings and optimizes performance.

By understanding these factors that affect copying speed on the PS5, users can take proactive steps to optimize their console’s performance and reduce the time it takes to copy files.


In conclusion, optimizing copying speed on the PlayStation 5 (PS5) is essential for a seamless gaming experience. By understanding the factors that influence copying speed and implementing practical tips, users can significantly improve the efficiency of file transfers on their console.

Upgrading to an SSD, closing background applications, ensuring a stable network connection, updating system software, organizing storage space, and restarting the console are effective strategies to speed up copying on the PS5.

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