Why Is Fall Guys Not Free on Ps4? Guide

Fall Guys is a wildly popular online multiplayer game that has taken the gaming world by storm. Developed by Mediatonic and published by Devolver Digital, Fall Guys has gained immense popularity for its fun and chaotic gameplay.

The game features adorable jelly bean-like characters competing in a series of obstacle courses and challenges to be the last one standing. With its colorful graphics, quirky characters, and addictive gameplay, Fall Guys has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide.

Reasons why Fall Guys is not free on PS4

Licensing and Development Costs

Licensing and development costs play a significant role in determining why Fall Guys is not available for free on PS4. Here is a detailed step-by-step explanation of how these factors influence the pricing of the game:

Game Development

  • Developing a game like Fall Guys involves a considerable amount of time, effort, and resources. From designing the gameplay mechanics to creating the vibrant visuals and sound effects, the development process is complex and requires a dedicated team of developers, designers, and artists.

Licensing Fees

  • In order to publish a game on a platform like PlayStation, developers often need to pay licensing fees to the platform holder, in this case, Sony. These fees can vary depending on the size and scope of the game, as well as the terms of the publishing agreement.

Quality Assurance

  • Before a game is released on a platform like PS4, it undergoes rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure that it meets the platform’s standards and requirements. This process involves identifying and fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and ensuring compatibility with the PlayStation ecosystem.

Marketing and Promotion

  • Promoting a game like Fall Guys involves additional costs for marketing campaigns, advertising, and promotional activities. Building awareness and generating hype around the game requires investment in marketing strategies to reach a wide audience of potential players.

Post-Launch Support

  • After the game is released, developers continue to provide support in the form of updates, patches, and new content. This ongoing maintenance and support require resources and investment to keep the game running smoothly and engaging for players.

Monetization Strategy

  • While Fall Guys may not be free on PS4, the game may incorporate monetization strategies such as in-game purchases, cosmetic items, or expansion packs to generate revenue beyond the initial purchase price. These additional revenue streams help offset the development and operating costs associated with the game.

By considering the intricate process of game development, licensing requirements, marketing efforts, and ongoing support, it becomes evident that the pricing of Fall Guys on PS4 reflects the investment and resources that went into creating and maintaining the game.

Exclusivity Deals

Exclusivity deals are another factor that influences why Fall Guys is not available for free on PS4. Here is an explanation of how exclusivity deals impact the availability and pricing of the game:

Platform Exclusivity

  • In some cases, game developers may enter into exclusivity agreements with platform holders like Sony. These agreements can restrict the availability of the game on other platforms or limit the pricing options for the game.

Timed Exclusivity

  • Fall Guys may have entered into a timed exclusivity deal with Sony, which means that the game is initially released exclusively on PlayStation platforms for a certain period before becoming available on other platforms. During this exclusivity period, the game may not be offered for free to maintain its value and exclusivity on the platform.

Promotional Partnerships

  • Exclusivity deals can also involve promotional partnerships between the game developer and the platform holder. These partnerships may include marketing support, co-branding opportunities, or special in-game content exclusive to a particular platform.

Strategic Alliances

  • Game developers often form strategic alliances with platform holders to leverage the reach and user base of a specific platform. By aligning with a platform like PlayStation, developers can tap into a large and dedicated player community, which can enhance the game’s visibility and success.

Value Proposition

  • Exclusivity deals can enhance the perceived value of a game by associating it with a specific platform or brand. By maintaining exclusivity and premium pricing, the game can retain its appeal and desirability among players.

Long-Term Partnerships

  • Exclusivity deals may be part of long-term partnerships between game developers and platform holders, aiming to create a mutually beneficial relationship that supports the success of the game and the platform.

Considering the impact of exclusivity deals on the availability, pricing, and promotion of Fall Guys on PS4 sheds light on the strategic decisions made by game developers and platform holders to maximize the game’s reach and impact.

Revenue Generation

Revenue generation is a crucial aspect of the gaming industry and plays a significant role in determining why Fall Guys is not available for free on PS4. Here is an explanation of how revenue generation strategies influence the pricing and availability of the game:

Sales Revenue

  • One of the primary sources of revenue for game developers is sales revenue from the initial purchase of the game. By setting a price for Fall Guys on PS4, developers can generate revenue from each copy sold, which helps recoup the costs associated with game development, marketing, and distribution.


  • In-game purchases and microtransactions are common revenue streams in modern gaming. While Fall Guys may not be free on PS4, the game may offer cosmetic items, skins, or other virtual goods for purchase within the game. These microtransactions provide an additional revenue stream beyond the initial purchase price.

Downloadable Content (DLC)

  • Developers often release downloadable content (DLC) such as expansion packs, new levels, or additional features to extend the lifespan of a game and generate additional revenue. By offering DLC for purchase, developers can monetize the game further and provide ongoing content for players.

Season Passes

  •  Season passes are another revenue generation strategy where players can purchase access to a series of in-game rewards, challenges, and content updates over a set period. By offering season passes for Fall Guys, developers can create a steady revenue stream and keep players engaged with new content.

Advertising and Sponsorships

  • Game developers may also generate revenue through advertising partnerships, sponsorships, or product placements within the game. By integrating advertising elements in a non-intrusive manner, developers can monetize the game while enhancing the overall player experience.

Cross-Platform Play

  • Enabling cross-platform play can expand the player base of a game and increase revenue opportunities. By allowing players on different platforms to play together, developers can attract a larger audience and potentially generate more revenue through increased sales and engagement.

By implementing a combination of these revenue generation strategies, game developers can ensure the financial sustainability of their games while providing value to players through engaging content and experiences.

Explanation of Free Games on PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus is a subscription service offered by Sony for PlayStation users. One of the key benefits of PlayStation Plus is the monthly offering of free games to its subscribers. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how free games are accessed through PlayStation Plus:


  • To access the free games offered through PlayStation Plus, users need to have an active subscription to the service. This subscription typically involves a monthly or yearly fee.

Monthly Games

  • Each month, PlayStation Plus subscribers are given access to a selection of free games. These games can vary in genre and popularity, providing a diverse range of options for players.


  • Subscribers can navigate to the PlayStation Store and locate the free games section. From there, they can select the games they want to download at no additional cost.


  • Once a game is downloaded through PlayStation Plus, it is added to the user’s library. As long as the user maintains an active subscription, they can continue to play these free games.

Limited Time

  • It’s important to note that the free games offered through PlayStation Plus are typically available for a limited time. Users need to “purchase” the games during the specific month they are offered to add them to their library permanently.

By subscribing to PlayStation Plus, users not only gain access to online multiplayer features but also enjoy the added benefit of receiving free games each month.


In conclusion, the pricing and availability of Fall Guys on PS4 are influenced by a combination of factors, including development costs, licensing agreements, exclusivity deals, and revenue generation strategies.

By considering these factors, game developers can make strategic decisions to ensure the success and profitability of their games while providing value to players through engaging gameplay experiences and additional content offerings.

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